The time of day correlates to the flow of qi through the twelve major meridians and their respective internal organs. The following is the cycle of qi through the channels:
Lung Hand-Taiyin
Large Intestine Hand-Yangming
Stomach Foot Yangming
Spleen Foot-Taiyin
Heart Hand-Shaoyin
Small Intestine Hand-Taiyang
Bladder Foot-Taiyang
Kidney Foot-Shaoyin
Pericardium Hand-Jueyin
Triple Burner Hand-Shaoyang
Gallbladder Foot-Shaoyang
Liver Foot-Jueyin
Once the cycle is complete, it repeats. The time of day correlations are as follows:
3–5 am: Lung Hand-Taiyin
5–7am: Large Intestine Hand-Yangming
7–9am: Stomach Foot Yangming
9–11am: Spleen Foot-Taiyin
11am–1pm: Heart Hand-Shaoyin
1–3pm: Small Intestine Hand-Taiyang
3–5pm: Bladder Foot-Taiyang
5–7pm: Kidney Foot-Shaoyin
7–9pm: Pericardium Hand-Jueyin
9–11pm: Triple Burner Hand-Shaoyang
11pm–1am: Gallbladder Foot-Shaoyang
1–3am: Liver Foot-Jueyin
In the organ clock (pictured above), the times are color coded by the Five Element designation for each organ/channel relationship. According to Five Element principles, the following colors correspond in the following manner:
Red, Fire
Yellow, Earth
White, Metal
Dark, Water
Green, Wood
Along with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) time correlations for channel qi, there is also a cultural designation for the times of day in the Chinese astrological system. There is a cycle of 12 animal signs both annually and hourly. Chinese astrology attributes qualities for the animal year and hour in which a person is born:
11am -1am: Rat
1am – 3 am: Ox
3am – 5 am: Tiger
5am – 7 am: Rabbit
7am – 9am: Dragon
9am – 11am: Snake
11am – 1pm: Horse
1pm – 3pm: Goat
3pm – 5pm: Monkey
5pm – 7pm: Rooster
7pm – 9pm: Dog
9pm – 11pm: Pig
To learn about the Chinese New Year animal signs, visit the following page:
Chinese New Year Signs >